Second quarter 2017 presentation B2Holding - Conference call

Following the publication of B2Holding's Q2 2017 results, a 
conference call will be held at 13:45 on 25 August 2017.

There will be a brief presentation of the Q2 results followed by a 
Q&A session.

Joining the Conference Call:
1. In the 15 minutes prior to the call's start time (from 13:30), 
call the appropriate Dial-In Number listed in the Dial-In Number 
section below.
2. Provide the operator with the conference ID: 74349902

Standard International Dial-In:   +44 (0) 203 0095710       

LocalCall Dial-In Numbers:      
Belgium, Brussels        	024003431
Denmark, Copenhagen      	32727518
Finland, Helsinki        	0942451472       
France, Paris    	        0170732727   
Germany, Frankfurt       	06922224910
Netherlands, Amsterdam   	0207157366  
Norway, Oslo     	        21563162
Sweden, Stockholm	        0200883022
Switzerland, Zurich      	0445804873
Helpful keypad commands:
*0 - Operator assistance
*6 - Self mute/unmute