Oslo Børs - B2H01 - New bond issue to be listed on Oslo Børs on the 03.03.2016

Issue name: B2Holding AS 15/20 FRN EUR C 
Instrument ID:1302299
ISIN: NO0010753072
Segment: OBOC
Country: NO
Trading currency: EUR
Current outstanding principal amount: 150 mill, 
limited issue
Interest accrual date: 08.12.2015
Maturity date: 08.12.2020
Coupon rate: 7,50 % p.a. (3 mnd EURIBOR + 7.50 % p.a.)
Sector list: Storlånsektor
Managers: DNB Bank ASA, DNB Markets, Nordea Bank Norge 
ASA, ABG Sundal Collier ASA
Central Securities Depository: VPS

Oslo Børs has received approved prospectus which will 
be available at http:// www.b2holding.no and 
http://www.oslobors.no from the first day of listing.