CORR - Notice for Annual General Meeting

Oslo 3 May 2017. Reference is made to the stock exchange notice on 
28 April 2017 regarding the Notice of the Annual General Meeting in 
B2Holding ASA. The Notice did not include information about the 
number of shares and votes in the Company and the shareholders' 
rights in connection with the Annual General Meeting. An updated 
Notice which includes such information is attached. 

The updated Notice is posted electronically or by mail to all 
shareholders. To order a  printed version of the appendices to the 
Notice, please contact the Company.

Annual General Meeting of B2Holding ASA will be held at 08:00 am on 
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 in Hotel Bristol, Kristian IV's gate 7, Oslo, 

For further information, please contact:
Olav Dalen Zahl, Chief Executive Officer, +47 909 86 386.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements according 
to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

B2Holding ASA - Notice for AGM 2017 - corr