B2Holding enters the Spanish market

B2Holding has acquired 80% of the shares of Confirmaciónde Solicitudes de Crédito Verifica S.A.("Verifica"), with an option to acquire the remaining 20% of the shares.

Verifica has three main business areas which include Debt collection management services, Telemarketing services for loans and credit cards and Surveillance and non-payment prevention services. Debt collection management services constitutes more than half of revenues, and Verifica has client relationships with several of the large Spanish banks. Verifica currently has around 350 employees, with offices in central Madrid.   

With the acquisition of Verifica, B2Holding has secured a strong platform for further growth in one of the largest markets for NPLs in Europe.  

"We are very pleased with this transaction, as we view Verifica as a strong platform for further growth in the Iberian region. After spending time with Verifica's CEO, Mr. José Ignacio Arribas, we see a shared vision and a good fit with the B2Holding culture. We are very impressed with what José Ignacio and his team have achieved since Verifica was established in 2006, and we are convinced that we have an excellent opportunity to further grow the business together" says Olav Dalen Zahl, CEO of B2Holding. 

For enquiries regarding the transaction, please contact: 
Olav Dalen Zahl 
CEO, B2Holding ASA 
Mobile: +47 909 86 386 
Email:  odz@b2holding.no  
Rasmus Hansson 
Director M&A, B2Holding ASA 
Mobile: +47 952 55 842 
Email:  rh@b2holding.no