B2Holding ASA - Announcement of Terms in the Initial Public Offering


B2Holding ASA - Announcement of Terms in the Initial 
Public Offering 

Oslo, 24 May 2016: B2Holding ASA ("B2Holding" or 
the "Company") has resolved to launch an initial 
public offering (the "Offering" or the "IPO") and 
apply for a listing of its shares on the Oslo Stock 
Exchange. Subject to approval of the listing 
application and successful completion of the Offer, 
the shares of B2Holding is expected to be admitted to 
trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 8 June 2016 
under the ticker "B2H" (subject to an extension or 
shortening of the Offer period).

The Offer Shares (as defined below) are expected to be 
offered for sale at a price per Offer Share 
(the "Offer Price") between NOK 11.25 and NOK 13.50, 
corresponding to a pre-money valuation of between NOK 
3.5 billion and NOK 4.2 billion and a market 
capitalisation at trading of between NOK 4.2 billion 
and NOK 4.9 billion. The final Offer Price may be set 
above or below this indicative price range.

It is expected that the free float of B2Holding will 
be approximately 64% of the share capital, assuming 
that the maximum number of Sale Shares (as defined 
below) are sold in the Offering and the over-allotment 
option is exercised in full. 

The Offer Shares and Over-allotment
The Company intends to raise gross proceeds of NOK 650 
million by issuing between 48.1 million and 57.8 
million new shares (the "New Shares") in the Offering. 
The net proceeds from the issue of the New Shares will 
be used by the Company to position itself for further 
growth and take advantage of the Company's record 
large pipeline of opportunities. In addition, certain 
existing shareholders intends to offer up to 15.25 
million shares (the "Sale Shares", and, together with 
the New Shares, the "Offer Shares"). The selling 
shareholders comprise of RASMUSSENGRUPPEN AS (up to 15 
million shares and Fjordsyn AS, a company fully owned 
by Olav Dalen Zahl (up to 0.25 million shares) 
(the "Selling Shareholders"). The Sale Shares, 
represent up to 4.9% of the Shares of B2Holding prior 
to the issue of the New Shares.

Further, pursuant to an over-allotment option, the 
Joint Bookrunners may elect to purchase a number of 
additional shares to be issued by the Company 
equalling up to 15% of the aggregate number of Offer 
Shares allocated in the Offering to cover any over-
allotments made in connection with the Offering. The 
Company will receive proceeds from issuance of shares 
to cover the exercise of the over-allotment option. 

The Offering 
The Company is in the process of preparing a 
prospectus in connection with the Offering and the 
listing (the "Prospectus") presenting the terms and 
conditions for the Offering, which comprise:

(i) an institutional offering, in which Offer Shares 
are being offered (a) to institutional and 
professional investors in Norway, (b) to investors 
outside Norway and the United States, subject to 
applicable exemptions from prospectus and registration 
requirements, and (c) in the United States to QIBs in 
reliance on Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act. 
The Institutional Offering is subject to a lower limit 
per application of NOK 2,000,000; 

(ii) a retail offering, in which Offer Shares are 
being offered to the public in Norway subject to a 
lower limit per application of NOK 10,500 and an upper 
limit per application of NOK 1,999,999 for each 
investor. Investors who intend to place an order in 
excess of NOK 1,999,999 must do so in the 
institutional offering

Timeline and Offering Period
The bookbuilding period for the institutional offering 
will take place from 25 May 2016 at 09:00 hours (CET) 
to 12:00 hours (CET) on 7 June 2016, and the 
application period for the retail offering will take 
place from 25 May 2016 at 09:00 hours (CET) to 12:00 
hours (CET) on 7 June 2016. The bookbuilding period 
and/or the application period may be shortened or 
extended. The final number of Offer Shares, and the 
final Offer Price, will be determined by B2Holding, in 
consultation with the Joint Bookrunners, after 
completion of the bookbuilding period for the 
institutional offering. The announcement of the final 
Offer Price is expected to take place on or around 7 
June 2016. Trading of the Shares on the Oslo Stock 
Exchange, is expected to commence on or about 8 June 
2016 under the ticker "B2H", subject to the Company 
being approved for listing and satisfying the 
conditions set by the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners
ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Arctic Securities AS are 
acting as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint 
Bookrunners in the IPO, and Nordea Markets, a part of 
Nordea Bank Norge ASA, is acting as Joint Bookrunner. 
Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS is acting as legal 
advisor to the Company and Wikborg Rein & Co 
Advokatfirma DA is acting as legal advisor to the 
Joint Bookrunners.

The Company and the Selling Shareholders are subject 
to a 6 month lock-up period. In addition, members of 
the Company's management, Board of Directors and 
shareholders represented on the Board of Directors are 
subject to a 9 month lock-up period. These lock-up 
agreements will be subject to certain exceptions and 
may only be waived with the consent of the Joint 

The Prospectus will, subject to regulatory 
restrictions in certain jurisdictions, be available 
at, www.b2holding.no, www.abgsc.no, www.arctic.com, 
and www.nordea.no/b2 from the commencement of the book-
building period and the application period for the 
Offering at 25 May 2016 at 09:00 hours (CET). Hard 
copies of the Prospectus may also be obtained free of 
charge from the same date by contacting the Company or 
one of the Joint Bookrunners.

Conditions for the Offering
Completion of the Offering is conditional upon (i) the 
board of directors of the Oslo Stock Exchange 
approving the application for listing of the Shares in 
the Company in its meeting expected to be held on 30 
May, (ii) the Company, in consultation with the Joint 
Bookrunners, having approved the Offer Price and the 
allocation of the Offer Shares to eligible investors 
following the bookbuilding process and (iii) the Board 
of Directors resolving to issue the New Shares. There 
can be no assurance that these conditions will be 
satisfied. If the conditions are not satisfied, the 
Offering may be revoked or suspended without any 
compensation to the applicants.

Olav Dalen Zahl, CEO B2Holding, 		
	+47 909 86 386
Harald Henriksen, CFO B2Holding,		 
	+47 913 92 873

Erik Johnsen, CGC B2Holding,  			
	+47 415 77 055

About B2Holding ASA
B2Holding is a financial services provider specialised 
in the investment and workout of non-performing loans 
(NPLs) in the Nordics and the CEE region, primarily 
from the banking sector. The Group also provides third 
party debt collection solutions on behalf of clients, 
as well as offering credit information in selected 
markets. B2Holding is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, 
and is currently represented in twelve European 
countries, with financial services companies in 
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, 
Montenegro, Poland, Romania Serbia, Slovenia, Norway 
and Sweden (including the announced acquisition of 
Debt Collection Agency DA), and through its 
subsidiaries it also owns portfolios in Italy, 
Lithuania and Denmark where it currently has no 
collection activities.  As of 31 March 2016, the 
Group's portfolio consisted of approximately 4.1 
million claims with a total face value of 
approximately NOK 47.7 billion and a total gross 
estimated remaining collection of NOK 6.8 billion 
(excluding DCA). 

Important Notice
This announcement is not and does not form a part of 
any offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to 
purchase, any securities of the Company.

Copies of this announcement are not being made and may 
not be distributed or sent into the United States, 
Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, Japan or any other 
jurisdiction in which such distribution would be 
unlawful or would require registration or other 

The securities referred to in this announcement have 
not been and will not be registered under the U.S. 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities 
Act"), and accordingly may not be offered or sold in 
the United States absent registration or an applicable 
exemption from the registration requirements of the 
Securities Act and in accordance with applicable U.S. 
state securities laws. The Company does not intend to 
register any part of the offering in the United States 
or to conduct a public offering of securities in the 
United States. Any sale in the United States of the 
securities mentioned in this announcement will be made 
solely to "qualified institutional buyers" as defined 
in Rule 144A under the Securities Act.

Any offering of the securities referred to in this 
announcement will be made by means of a prospectus. 
This announcement is not a prospectus for the purposes 
of Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended, together with any 
applicable implementing measures in any Member State, 
the "Prospectus Directive"). Investors should not 
subscribe for any securities referred to in this 
announcement except on the basis of information 
contained in a prospectus.

In any EEA Member State that has implemented the 
Prospectus Directive this communication is only 
addressed to and is only directed at qualified 
investors in that Member State within the meaning of 
the Prospectus Directive.

This communication is only being distributed to and is 
only directed at persons in the United Kingdom that 
are (i) investment professionals falling within 
Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets 
Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as amended 
(the "Order") or (ii) high net worth entities, and 
other persons to whom this announcement may lawfully 
be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to 
(d) of the Order (all such persons together being 
referred to as "relevant persons"). This communication 
must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are 
not relevant persons. Any investment or investment 
activity to which this communication relates is 
available only for relevant persons and will be 
engaged in only with relevant persons. Persons 
distributing this communication must satisfy 
themselves that it is lawful to do so.

Matters discussed in this announcement may constitute 
forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements 
are statements that are not historical facts and may 
be identified by words such 
as "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "strategy", "inte
nds", "estimate", "will", "may", "continue", "should" 
and similar expressions. The forward-looking 
statements in this release are based upon various 
assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon 
further assumptions. Although the Company believes 
that these assumptions were reasonable when made, 
these assumptions are inherently subject to 
significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, 
contingencies and other important factors which are 
difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its 
control. Actual events may differ significantly from 
any anticipated development due to a number of 
factors, including without limitation, changes in 
public sector investment levels, changes in the 
general economic, political and market conditions in 
the Norwegian market, the Company's ability to 
attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel, 
changes in the Company's ability to engage in 
commercially acceptable acquisitions and strategic 
investments, and changes in laws and regulation and 
the potential impact of legal proceedings and actions. 
Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other 
important factors could cause actual events to differ 
materially from the expectations expressed or implied 
in this release by such forward-looking statements. 
The Company does not guarantee that the assumptions 
underlying the forward-looking statements in this 
presentation are free from errors nor does it accept 
any responsibility for the future accuracy of the 
opinions expressed in this presentation or any 
obligation to update or revise the statements in this 
presentation to reflect subsequent events. You should 
not place undue reliance on the forward-looking 
statements in this document.

The information, opinions and forward-looking 
statements contained in this announcement speak only 
as at its date, and are subject to change without 
notice. The Company does not undertake any obligation 
to review, update, confirm, or to release publicly any 
revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect 
events that occur or circumstances that arise in 
relation to the content of this announcement.

B2Holding ASA - IPO launch 24 May hrs 0745 2016