B2 Impact ASA: Q3 2023 results to be presented on Friday 10 November

B2 Impact ASA will publish its third quarter 2023 results on Friday 10 November 2023.

07:00 CET: The report and presentation will be made available on www.b2-impact.com and newsweb.oslobors.no

08:30 CET: The third quarter results and the following Q&A will be presented in a live audiocast. Live viewers can submit their written questions for the Q&A in the provided form in the player. The audiocast will be available through the following link: https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20231110_5/

A recording of the audiocast will be available on-demand after the live stream is concluded.

For further information, please contact:

Rasmus Hansson
Head of Investor Relations and M&A, B2 Impact ASA
Mobile: +47 952 55 842
E-mail: rasmus.hansson@b2-impact.com