B2 Impact ASA: Disclosure of voting proxies for the Annual General Meeting to be held on 23 May 2024

Reference is made to the notice of Annual General Meeting in B2 Impact ASA (the "Company"), to be held on 23 May 2024 at 09:00 CEST as a digital meeting (the "AGM").
The chairperson of the board of directors, Harald L. Thorstein, has received proxies without voting instructions to vote on behalf of 56,492,374 shares in the Company at the AGM. In addition, Harald L. Thorstein owns 360,000 shares in the Company. Accordingly, Harald L. Thorstein can therefore vote for in total 56,852,374 shares in the Company at the AGM, equivalent to 14.68% of the share capital.
The proxies received are only valid for the AGM.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
4-3, cf. Section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.